Blocked drains are one of the peskiest problems any homeowner can face. Usually, it disrupts normal household routines such as bathing, doing laundry and washing dishes because keeping the water running only exacerbates the problem.

But what causes residential drains to clog? 

There are many different things that can contribute to clogs in drains. Knowing what these things are and avoiding them is essential to keep your drains flowing smoothly for as long as possible.

Below are some of the major causes of blocked drains.

Improperly Disposed-Of Items

One of the most common reasons why residential drains get clogged is that the wrong items are flushed down the drains.

Kitchen items, such as cooking fats, oils and grease, shouldn't be poured into the kitchen sink because they can congeal on the interior walls of the kitchen drains and cause clogging. In the same vein, human hair should be removed from bathroom sinks and shower covers because they can easily trap debris if they're allowed to go down the drains.

In the toilet is where things can really get out of hand. Household members can toss all manner of unacceptable items, such as disposable newborn nappies and feminine hygiene products, into the toilet bowl and flush them down the drains. As these items aren't water-soluble, they're bound to cause clogs in the drains over time.

Keeping the wrong items out of your drains and ensuring they are disposed of properly is your first line of protection against clogging problems. If an item isn't designed to go down your drains, see to it that it doesn't.

Improperly Maintained Drains

Your drains are designed to allow the exit of wastewater from your home. All drains are connected to a sewer main drain that directs all the wastewater to a wastewater treatment facility within or outside the property.

Regular drain inspection and cleaning are essential to keep drains clear and identify problems that may lead to clogging in the future. Tree roots, feminine hygiene products, excessive food and cooking oils and thick toilet paper can all cause blockages in drains, leading to slow drains.

Without routine drain maintenance, these problems may not be identified and addressed early enough to prevent major clogs that can bring normal household activities to a complete halt.

Taking good care of your residential drains is essential to keep them flowing smoothly, thus avoiding potentially costly plumbing repair. But even properly looked-after drains can get clogged sometimes. Don't hesitate to contact a residential plumber for help if you experience clogging issues with your drains.
