Many homeowners do not understand that their tanks need regular maintenance to serve them for a long time. Unfortunately, when you ignore the standard maintenance processes, you predispose your home to disasters of epic proportions. For example, if a leaking water tank problem is allowed to fester, it can cause thousands of dollars in water damage. It is, therefore, advisable to understand all of the issues which could ruin your hot water supply systems and get a professional to resolve the ones you are not able to do by yourself. Here are maintenance tips that will go a long way.

Checking the Pressure Relief Valve and Temperature

All modern tanks come with a valve for temperature and pressure relief. The valve is set up in such an automatic manner that when the temperature exceeds a certain level, the valve opens or closes. The only way to test whether the valve is still working is the bucket test. Here, you place a bucket under the drainpipe and then raise or lower the pipe. If hot water rushes out of the drainpipe, the valve is working well. On the other hand, when no water rushes out of the system, you should call in a plumber to replace the valve before disaster strikes.

Removing Gunk and Sediments

When your tank has been in use for many years, it forms a layer of sediments. These could result from carbonate particles in hard water, dirt in the water and other sources of gunk. When these stay stuck at the bottom of the tank, they compromise the quality of the hot water coming out of it. At times, the water even starts coming out with a characteristic smell. A hot water plumber will clean the tank for you and restore it to its original hygienic state.

Maintaining the Right Water Temperature Savings

You should always maintain the hot water inside the tank at temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees Celsius. If you go any lower than this, you will be running the risk of growing harmful bacteria inside your tank. On the other hand, when the temperature is too high, your gas or electric bill increases as you will need a lot of heat to keep the water hot. 

These are simple maintenance procedures that you can carry out to avoid water damage, loss of hot water supply and other problems inside the home. Always consult a plumber to help you with the installation, maintenance and repair of your hot water unit
