No matter how wonderfully your hot water tank has served you thus far, it will eventually give out, and you will need an immediate replacement option — unless you don't mind icy showers. With hot water systems accounting for 25% of Australian household energy use, knowing the science to choosing the best one is essential. Remember that the older your tank, the more likely it is that your system may collapse suddenly, and without an alternative, you may have to miss out on the health benefits of hot showers for several weeks. Here's everything you should know to find your hot water system replacement.

Getting The Same System Again May Not Be Cost-Efficient

Though hot water constitutes almost half of Australian household energy consumption, this number sinks below 20% with the use of more modern hot water systems. Reducing your water-heating energy consumption will lighten your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. The Australian government has also emplaced regulations seeking to reduce household energy consumption, and some states have banned electronic storage systems in homes.

Old water tanks rely on electric storage systems which both consume considerably, and pose a possible security threat in case of fires, or circuit problems. When buying a new tank, you will need to make sure that its manufacture adheres to Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MPS).

Some Options Are Smarter Than Others

In many ways, environmental responsibility aligns with every adult's energy consumption goal: minimising it. Therefore, options that consume little energy, or rely on a supply of alternative, green power, are likely to provide a less stressful use. Heat pumps, due to their low energy consumption, are among the recently popularised water heating options. Solar-powered heating tanks are also an excellent option if you are in a location with plenty of sun.

Heat pumps use about 30% of the energy electric water tanks use. They operate by removing the heat from air particles and infusing it into the water. Typically, a 270 to 315L tank will have to be installed to accommodate the hot water demand of a 4-person household. Solar-powered water heaters require much larger tanks (300 to 360 L of capacity), but they have low running costs, and the initial investment is quickly made up by energy bill savings.

A Finishing Note

When it comes to selecting home appliances at the core of your home life, it is wise to do your research to avoid hefty bills. With the current environmental crisis, you must plan for a water heating system replacement that will consume less than your original one. Fortunately, both heat pumps and solar-powered heaters provide the speedy, reliable performance of traditional water heaters — at a fraction of the energy bill costs.
